November 23, 2020 How often do you order take-out food?More than once a week (0.00%)About once a week (50.00%)Several times a month (0.00%)About once a month (25.00%)I don’t order take-out food (25.00%)Previous Polls November 20, 2020 When should radio stations start playing Christmas music?Now (28.57%)December 1st (42.86%)The week leading up to Christmas (14.29%)Christmas Eve and Day only (0.00%)Bah humbug- I don’t want to hear Christmas music (14.29%)Previous Polls November 19, 2020 Are virtual meetings as effective as in-person?Yes (25.00%)No (25.00%)Only occasionally (50.00%)Previous Polls November 18, 2020 What’s your favourite winter sport to participate in?Curling (0.00%)Hockey (0.00%)Ice fishing (0.00%)Skating (100.00%)Skiing (0.00%)Snowboarding (0.00%)Snowmobiling (0.00%)Previous Polls November 17, 2020 When things get back to normal, what country would you most like to visit?Australia (25.00%)France (0.00%)Italy (0.00%)Ireland (50.00%)Japan (0.00%)New Zealand (0.00%)Spain (0.00%)United Kingdom (25.00%)Previous Polls November 16, 2020 Are you willing to wait in line outside of a business as the weather gets colder?Yes (37.50%)No (62.50%)Previous Polls November 13, 2020 Do you think you are getting enough exercise?Yes (28.57%)No (71.43%)Previous Polls November 12, 2020 What do you think will be mostly eliminated by 2030?Newspapers (100.00%)Cable TV (0.00%)Movie theatres (0.00%)Cheques (0.00%)Cash (0.00%)All of them (0.00%)None of them (0.00%)Previous Polls November 10, 2020 When do you put on winter tires?November (71.43%)December (0.00%)Usually after the first snow storm (14.29%)I don’t use winter tires (14.29%)Previous Polls November 9, 2020 Overall, how do you feel Canada treats its veterans?Very well (0.00%)OK (14.29%)Not good enough (57.14%)Very poorly (28.57%)Previous Polls