September 10, 2020 Do you believe there is systemic racism in Canada?Yes (63.16%)No (5.26%)Racism Yes.Systemic No. (31.58%)Previous Polls September 9, 2020 Have your shopping habits changed in the last 6 months?Yes. I am shopping more in person (0.00%)Yes.I am shopping more online (66.67%)No.My habits haven’t changed (33.33%)Previous Polls September 8, 2020 With the provincial election coming up next Monday, what party do you intend on voting for?Green (13.33%)Liberal (20.00%)NDP (0.00%)People’s Alliance (40.00%)Progressive Conservative (20.00%)Other (0.00%)None. I don’t plan on voting (6.67%)Previous Polls September 4, 2020 Should students and staff have their temperatures taken before school each day?Yes (41.18%)No (58.82%)Previous Polls September 3, 2020 Each weekday at noon, this radio station plays the national anthem.What do you think?It’s great (87.50%)It’s good but not necessary any more (8.33%)I don’t like it (0.00%)I wasn’t aware of this (4.17%)Previous Polls September 2, 2020 With the provincial election coming up later this month, what do you see as being the most important issue?The economy (30.00%)Education (20.00%)Health care (40.00%)The environment (10.00%)Previous Polls September 1, 2020 Are you comfortable with children going back to school next week?Yes, I am (23.81%)I’m mostly comfortable (28.57%)I’m somewhat comfortable (28.57%)No, I am not (19.05%)Previous Polls August 31, 2020 The last day of August is considered to be the last day of summer by meteorologists.How would you rate this summer’s weather?One of the best ever (20.00%)One of the better ones (50.00%)About average (10.00%)Not that good (10.00%)Terrible (10.00%)Previous Polls August 28, 2020 Which statement on climate change do you agree with most?Climate change is real and is mostly caused by vehicles and industries (33.33%)Climate change is real and is mostly caused by nature (44.44%)Climate change is only a theory.Nothing has been proven yet (22.22%)Previous Polls August 27, 2020 Do you tip at drive-thrus?Yes (20.00%)No (60.00%)Sometimes (20.00%)Previous Polls