August 13, 2020 Which side do you fall asleep on?On my right side (16.67%)On my left side (50.00%)On my back (16.67%)On my stomach (16.67%)Previous Polls August 12, 2020 When do you think a vaccine for Covid 19 will be available to the general public in Canada?By the end of this year (0.00%)By the summer of 2021 (100.00%)By the end of 2021 (0.00%)I think it will take years (0.00%)Never (0.00%)Previous Polls August 11, 2020 Do you think life exists, or has ever existed, somewhere beside Earth?Yes (91.67%)No (8.33%)Previous Polls August 10, 2020 Would you rather work from home or in an office?Home (28.57%)Office (28.57%)A combination of both (42.86%)Previous Polls August 7, 2020 If you could choose one celebrity to run for President of the US, who would you choose?Tom Hanks (20.00%)Ellen DeGeneres (0.00%)Morgan Freeman (20.00%)Oprah Winfrey (20.00%)Stephen Colbert (0.00%)Judge Judy (20.00%)Jimmy Kimmel (0.00%)Will Ferrell (0.00%)Bill Gates (20.00%)Previous Polls August 6, 2020 Should sports team names that people find offensive be changed or left alone?They should be changed (0.00%)They should be left alone (100.00%)Maybe. Maybe not. (0.00%)Previous Polls August 5, 2020 Are you watching NHL games?Yes, most of them (100.00%)Occasionally (0.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls August 4, 2020 How important is the WE scandal to you?Very important (57.14%)Somewhat important (28.57%)Not very important (0.00%)Not at all important (14.29%)Previous Polls August 3, 2020 Each weekday at noon, this radio station plays the national anthem.What do you think?It’s great (0.00%)It’s good but not necessary any more (0.00%)I don’t like it (0.00%)I wasn’t aware of this (0.00%)Previous Polls July 31, 2020 Will you be getting a flu shot this year?Yes. it’s more important than ever (60.00%)No. (33.33%)I’m not sure (6.67%)Previous Polls