August 14, 2023 Compared to last year, how do you feel financially?Wealthier (0.00%)Poorer (50.00%)About the same (50.00%)Previous Polls August 11, 2023 Do you take a shower or a bath every day?Yes (37.50%)No (37.50%)Most of the time (25.00%)Occasionally (0.00%)Previous Polls August 10, 2023 What is your favourite hamburger topping?Bacon (0.00%)Cheese (33.33%)Lettuce (0.00%)Onion (0.00%)Ketchup (33.33%)Mustard (0.00%)Pickles (0.00%)Tomato (0.00%)Other (33.33%)Previous Polls August 9, 2023 The US has approved the first over-the-counter birth control pill. Should Canada do the same?Yes (75.00%)No (0.00%)I’m not sure (25.00%)Previous Polls August 8, 2023 Would you rather be the funnier one in a relationship or be with someone fun?I want to be the fun one (14.29%)I’d rather they be the fun one (14.29%)I’d rather we both be equally fun (71.43%)Previous Polls August 4, 2023 How many provinces have you visited in Canada (including your own)?1 (5.56%)2 (0.00%)3 (5.56%)4 (0.00%)5 (27.78%)6 (5.56%)7 (5.56%)8 (16.67%)9 (16.67%)All 10 (16.67%)Previous Polls August 3, 2023 Does the frequency of extreme weather events concern you?Yes.Very much (50.00%)Somewhat (0.00%)No. Not really (50.00%)Previous Polls August 2, 2023 Scenario: You witness a bank robbery. The man runs outside and donates the money to homeless people.If you report him, the money will be returned.What do you do?Report him.It’s a crime. (0.00%)I would keep it quiet. (66.67%)I really don’t know (33.33%)Previous Polls August 1, 2023 Would you rather work at a high paying job that you hate or your dream job with only enough money for the basics?I want the high paying job (20.00%)I want the dream job (80.00%)Previous Polls July 31, 2023 Have you ever woken up on a beach?Once (20.00%)Many times (40.00%)Never (40.00%)Previous Polls