June 16, 2023 What do you find scariest from this list?Heights (50.00%)Flying (50.00%)Small spaces (0.00%)Needles (0.00%)My boss (0.00%)My partner (0.00%)Previous Polls June 15, 2023 What’s you plan for your father on Father’s Day?Spending time together (0.00%)Getting him a gift (0.00%)Taking him out (0.00%)Giving him a card (100.00%)BBQing for him (0.00%)Letting him sleep in (0.00%)More than one of these (0.00%)Previous Polls June 14, 2023 If animals could talk, which Maritime animal would be the rudest?Bears (0.00%)Fox (0.00%)Geese (100.00%)Moose (0.00%)Porcupines (0.00%)Raccoons (0.00%)Seagulls (0.00%)Skunks (0.00%)Snakes (0.00%)Wolves (0.00%)Previous Polls June 13, 2023 Would you rather be transported, permanently, to 500 years in the future or 500 years in the past?Take me forward to the future (66.67%)Take me back to the past (33.33%)Previous Polls June 12, 2023 Are you a morning person?Yes.I’m bright and peppy and ready to take on the day (0.00%)No. It takes me a while to get going when I wake up (33.33%)No.I dislike mornings (33.33%)It depends on how well I slept the night before (33.33%)Previous Polls June 9, 2023 All things considered, which is a better place to live?Canada (83.33%)United States (16.67%)Previous Polls June 8, 2023 Do you recycle your electronics?Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Occasionally (0.00%)Previous Polls June 7, 2023 Scenario: In a parking lot you accidentally dent someone’s car.Do you leave a note to take responsibility?Yes (66.67%)No (0.00%)Only if it’s a big dent (33.33%)Previous Polls June 6, 2023 Do you suffer from allergies?Yes (0.00%)No (33.33%)Occasionally (66.67%)Previous Polls June 5, 2023 Are you reducing or avoiding food waste more now than you were a year ago?Yes (25.00%)No (0.00%)About the same (75.00%)I never waste food (0.00%)Previous Polls