August 20, 2021 Who was the best Prime Minister from the last 30 years?Justin Trudeau (0.00%)Stephen Harper (0.00%)Paul Martin (0.00%)Jean Chretien (80.00%)Kim Campbell (0.00%)Brian Mulroney (10.00%)None of them (10.00%)Previous Polls August 19, 2021 Should dental coverage be included in Canada’s health care system?Yes (66.67%)No (33.33%)Previous Polls August 18, 2021 Did you plant and harvest a garden this summer?Yes (60.00%)No (40.00%)Previous Polls August 17, 2021 Should holiday names be removed from the school calendar?Yes (20.00%)No (80.00%)Previous Polls August 16, 2021 Would you feel comfortable traveling by plane today?Yes (50.00%)I’d be somewhat uncomfortable (33.33%)No (16.67%)Previous Polls August 13, 2021 How do you feel when the day is Friday the 13th?It’s just another day (83.33%)I do think about it (16.67%)I am superstitious (0.00%)I do things differently (0.00%)I really don’t like it (0.00%)Previous Polls August 12, 2021 How would you categorize your alcohol consumption?Heavy (0.00%)Moderate (0.00%)Light (75.00%)None (25.00%)Previous Polls August 11, 2021 What is your favourite hamburger topping?Bacon (0.00%)Cheese (0.00%)Lettuce (0.00%)Onion (0.00%)Ketchup (33.33%)Mustard (0.00%)Pickles (66.67%)Tomato (0.00%)Other (0.00%)Previous Polls August 10, 2021 Should masks and physical distancing be in place in all schools across the province this fall?Yes (25.00%)No (75.00%)Previous Polls August 9, 2021 Is summer road construction affecting your driving?Yes, it slows me down a lot (20.00%)Occasionally (60.00%)No (20.00%)Previous Polls