July 23, 2021 The summer Olympics start today in Japan.How interested are you?Very much so (0.00%)Somewhat (0.00%)A little bit (0.00%)Not at all (100.00%)Previous Polls July 22, 2021 We are well into summer.What’s your favourite flavour of ice cream?Chocolate (25.00%)Strawberry (0.00%)Caramel (0.00%)Maple walnut (0.00%)Vanilla (25.00%)Other (50.00%)Previous Polls July 21, 2021 Do you feel more comfortable socializing now?Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls July 20, 2021 Have you ever loaned money to family or friends?Yes and no problems (66.67%)Yes, and it didn’t end well (0.00%)No (33.33%)Previous Polls July 19, 2021 If you got to be on the cover of a magazine, what magazine would you prefer?Time (11.11%)Sports Illustrated (22.22%)Good Housekeeping (22.22%)Food and Wine (0.00%)Chatelaine (22.22%)Family Handyman (22.22%)Previous Polls July 16, 2021 What is your favourite food from the Maritimes?Fiddleheads (0.00%)Dulse (0.00%)Scallops (0.00%)Blueberries (12.50%)Potatoes (0.00%)Oysters (0.00%)Lobster (75.00%)Donair (12.50%)Previous Polls July 15, 2021 Have you ever taken time off work to recharge?Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls July 14, 2021 How often do you replace your toothbrush?Every three months (28.57%)Every four months (42.86%)Every six months (14.29%)When someone buys me a new one (14.29%)Previous Polls July 13, 2021 How do you feel about the prospect of being in a large crowd when pandemic restrictions are lifted?I can’t wait (30.00%)I’ll be fine (30.00%)I’d be somewhat uncomfortable (30.00%)I will avoid them at all costs (10.00%)Previous Polls July 12, 2021 If a federal election was held today, what party would you vote for?Conservative (44.44%)Green (0.00%)Liberal (11.11%)NDP (22.22%)I’m not sure (11.11%)I wouldn’t vote for any of them (11.11%)Previous Polls