May 13, 2021 How comfortable are you speaking in front of a large group of people?Very comfortable (40.00%)Slightly comfortable (0.00%)Very uncomfortable (20.00%)Can’t do it (40.00%)Previous Polls May 12, 2021 Do you think pot has become more socially acceptable since it was legalized?Yes (66.67%)No (33.33%)Previous Polls May 11, 2021 Do you wear a mask outside?Yes.Always (42.86%)Most of the time (42.86%)Occasionally (0.00%)No (14.29%)Previous Polls May 10, 2021 Today is municipal election day in New Brunswick.Are you voting?Yes, I already have (0.00%)Yes (100.00%)No (0.00%)Previous Polls May 7, 2021 Do you want a federal election this year?Yes (25.00%)No (75.00%)Previous Polls May 6, 2021 Do you ignore workplace communication outside of business hours?Yes (20.00%)No (0.00%)Sometimes (80.00%)Previous Polls May 5, 2021 What grade do you give the federal government with vaccine distributions so far in Canada?A. Excellent (0.00%)B. Good (0.00%)C. OK (16.67%)D. Not very good (50.00%)F. Poor (33.33%)Previous Polls May 4, 2021 Today is May the 4th be with you day.From the original 3, what is your favourite Star Wars film?A New Hope (25.00%)The Empire Strikes Back (37.50%)Return of the Jedi (37.50%)Previous Polls May 3, 2021 Do you plan on doing some gardening this spring?Yes, I garden every year (66.67%)Yes, for the first time (0.00%)No (33.33%)Previous Polls April 30, 2021 How do you feel about the amount of taxes you pay?I pay way more than my fair share (80.00%)I pay my fair share (20.00%)I pay less than my fair share (0.00%)Previous Polls