April 15, 2021 How have you slept during the pandemic?Better than before (0.00%)About the same (100.00%)Worse than before (0.00%)Previous Polls April 14, 2021 What is your favourite type of movie?Comedy (50.00%)Action (33.33%)Sci Fi (0.00%)Drama (16.67%)Romance (0.00%)Horror (0.00%)Previous Polls April 13, 2021 Do you multitask when attending a meeting on-line?Yes.I am guilty (100.00%)My mind tends to wander (0.00%)No, I’m focused (0.00%)Sometimes (0.00%)Previous Polls April 12, 2021 Should employers be allowed to force their employees to get the covid vaccine?Yes (38.89%)No (61.11%)Previous Polls April 9, 2021 Who should pay the bill on a first date?Whoever asked for the date (40.00%)Split it evenly (0.00%)Each person pays their own (20.00%)Whoever offers to pay (40.00%)Previous Polls April 8, 2021 Today is the 98th day of the year. Did you keep your New Year’s resolution?Yes (0.00%)No (16.67%)I didn’t make one (66.67%)I forgot about it (16.67%)Previous Polls April 7, 2021 Have you started doing your taxes?Yes (20.00%)No (0.00%)I’m done (80.00%)Previous Polls April 6, 2021 How would you rate the pothole situation this year?Good. There are fewer than usual (0.00%)Bad. There are more than usual (45.45%)Average. It’s about the same as most years (54.55%)Previous Polls April 5, 2021 Do you have a land line telephone?Yes (66.67%)No (33.33%)Previous Polls April 1, 2021 The minimum hourly wage in New Brunswick has gone up by a nickel to $11.75. What do you think?It’s reasonable (25.00%)It’s not enough (75.00%)Previous Polls